Facing Criminal Charges?

Your Reputation, Finances And Freedom Are On The Line.

Does an early release or bail impact one’s criminal defense?

by | Jul 17, 2015 | Criminal Defense

The repercussions of a criminal conviction can be far reaching. In a recent example, a New Jersey man discovered that the law does not permit him to own guns because of his wife’s criminal charge relating to domestic violence allegations.  

The man sued to uphold his constitutional right to bear arms. However, in a recent ruling, a New Jersey appellate court confirmed that the man’s right was not absolute. Due to the domestic violence accusation against the man’s wife, the court determined that owning guns in the same household would constitute an unacceptable threat not only to the man, but also the public. In other words, the man’s constitutional rights could be tempered by reasonable limitations.

Our law firm focuses on criminal defense matters. We understand the repercussions that can result from an arrest, regardless of whether an individual is ultimately convicted of the charges against him or her. Our first priority is to help an accused obtain custody. A defendant who is released may be better positioned to assist in his or her defense. The potential disruption to a defendant’s employment, family and social life may also be minimized by a swift release.

Ideally, an accused can obtain a release without posting bail. If that is not possible, we can work for other options, including working with a bail bondsman to expedite the release process, and possibly helping to get the bail reduced. In that regard, having a good relationship with court personnel might help with the negotiation process.

In a recent post, we discussed a proposal by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to allow judges the discretion to deny bail to defendants posing a danger to the community. In this aggressive prosecutorial climate, it has never been more important to select an experienced criminal defense attorney when facing criminal charges.

Source: Breitbart, “NJ Court: Husband Loses Gun Rights Because Wife Is a Felon,” Awr Hawkins, June 22, 2015

Related Post: “Bail reform urged to keep violent suspects locked up,” The Law Offices of Anthony N. Palumbo

