Facing Criminal Charges?

Your Reputation, Finances And Freedom Are On The Line.

Were you accused of smoking while driving?

by | Jul 30, 2017 | Marijuana Offenses

Marijuana continues to be illegal for recreational use in New Jersey. However, some lawmakers and marijuana advocacy groups are pushing for the legalization of recreational marijuana.

As for being intoxicated by marijuana and driving, this is unlawful and if you’re accused of the offense, a conviction could come with some very serious consequences. It’s also unlawful to possess the drug.

Example of a marijuana-related arrest after a traffic stop

In a recent criminal law case in Long Valley, New Jersey, police arrested and accused a teenager of possessing marijuana while he was driving in his vehicle. Police pulled the young man over at approximately 10:22 p.m. on a recent Saturday along Route 46 West.

The officer was simply performing a routine traffic stop, when he claims he smelled marijuana. The officer performed a search of the vehicle and discovered drug paraphernalia in addition to marijuana.

The officer arrested the teen and charged him with a juvenile complaint. His charges were possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Fortunately, he was not charged with driving under the influence of marijuana.

The young man was later released to his parents. He will now have to appear before the Morris County Superior Court Family Division to face his charges.

Have you been accused of marijuana crimes in New Jersey?

Although the criminal consequences associated with marijuana crimes in New Jersey is severe, every person accused of such offenses will have the right to defend him- or herself against the allegations in court. In fact, no person will be found guilty or punished, until — and only if — he or she is proved to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

The burden of proof will rest on the shoulders of state or county prosecutors who must present evidence to support their claims that the accused person broke the law. In some cases, the burden of proof is too difficult for prosecutors to overcome and the accused person will receive a verdict of not guilty. In other cases, the accused person may want to negotiate a plea bargain deal in exchange for a reduction in punishments.

