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Why Points Matter on Your Driving Record

by | Mar 23, 2018 | Driver's License Suspension Or Revocation

The person with the most points wins, right? Not always. The type of points adding up on your driving record is not an accomplishment to be proud of. In fact, the fewer points the better, especially when your driving privileges are at stake. So, what are traffic points, why do they matter and how can they affect you? Here’s what you need to know.

Traffic point system break-down

The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) enforces points whenever there is a moving violation. It is worth noting that points do not go on your record for parking tickets, only moving-related traffic offenses. The points given vary in higher and lower amounts, but each set of points represent a negative mark on your record.

Depending on the amount of points and time frame they’ve been added, consequences may include:

  • Higher insurance rate
  • Suspended license
  • Revoked license
  • Fees and surcharges

Here are some common moving violations and the points associated with each:

Two points:

  • Failing to stop at a red light
  • Driving opposite direction on a one-way street
  • Disrupting traffic flow with low speed
  • Running a stop sign

Three points:

  • Right/left turn violation
  • Illegal U-turn

Four points:

  • Un-authorized passing
  • Speeding over 15 mph over limit

Five points:

  • Speeding over 30 mph over limit
  • Racing
  • Driving recklessly

Eight points:

  • Causing a personal injury accident

Six or more points accumulated over three years activate a surcharge due each year for the following three years. This surcharge does not include other fines from the court that may apply. After 12 or more points appear on your record, your license is eligible for suspension.

Dispute traffic violations

As a driver, knowing traffic laws are essential along with the consequences associated with breaking these laws. This helps you understand how the legal system will evaluate your case if accused of a moving violation. Remember, every traffic violation is worth disputing in court. Should you acquire points on your record, legal defense is available to help clear points and reduce pending consequences.

