Anthony N. Palumbo | New Jersey Municipal & Criminal Defense Attorney | The Law Offices Of Anthony N. Palumbo
Anthony N. Palumbo | New Jersey Municipal & Criminal Defense Attorney | The Law Offices Of Anthony N. Palumbo

Free Consultations: 908-272-9700

Photo of Anthony N. Palumbo
Fighting Criminal Charges In Union, Middlesex And Monmouth Counties

Facing Criminal Charges?

Your Reputation, Finances And Freedom Are On The Line.

What A Violent Crimes Proceeding Looks Like

The heat of a moment can result in people doing rash things, some that even result in the death of another person. If you are facing murder charges, the consequences of a conviction have the potential to threaten your rights, future and freedom.

I am attorney Anthony N. Palumbo. I have been aggressively defending clients against murder, rape, aggravated assault and other violent crimes charges for decades. Before going into private practice, I served as the Union County prosecutor and Cranford municipal prosecutor. Knowing both sides of a case gives me an advantage in defending clients – an advantage that is yours beginning with the initial consultation. Call The Law Offices of Anthony N. Palumbo at 908-272-9700 without delay.

What You Should Expect

Many people do not know what to expect from these charges nor what an attorney can do for you. The stages of a violent crimes case typically include:

  • A police investigation. This is what a criminal case starts with. If the police believe they have “probable cause,” they can arrest you. Police may gather circumstantial evidence, talk to witnesses or rely on police observation for evidence.
  • An arrest. If you are arrested and booked, you will be searched, fingerprinted and photographed. It is often best to be courteous and not fight the arrest. If the arrest proves to be illegal, we can fight the charges later in court.
  • A bail hearing. Bail may be set right away or there may be a bail hearing. I recommend having your lawyer present at the hearing to protect your interests and negotiate the most optimal outcome for you.
  • Preparing for trial. If your case proceeds to trial, your lawyer will review all the evidence and pay careful attention to the police report to ensure the arrest was legal. Then, your lawyer will build your defense based on sound legal strategy.
  • Seeking the best possible outcome. Your lawyer may pursue reduced or dismissed charges or a plea bargain, depending on the circumstances. As a skilled trial lawyer, I am fully prepared to take your case to trial and will aggressively fight on your behalf.

It is important to remember that you have the right to have a lawyer present during police questioning. Understanding and exercising your rights is of the utmost importance when the stakes are high.

Contact Us for Aggressive Criminal Defense

You have the right to representation on violent crimes charges. I have helped thousands of clients get the best possible outcome in their cases, and I can do the same for you. For a free initial consultation, call my office at 908-272-9700 or email us.